Simplify your business and get more clients

Thanks to Bank iD you can enable your digital clients to sign in to your portal more securely and autheticate more easily, including filling out forms.

And you can also sign online contract with your clients.

Why to involve Bank iD into your business?

Simpler processes

For example, customers don't have to waste their time by going to a bank branch

Less paperwork

No more stacks of paper, clients can easily handle everything online

Reducing costs

More automation gives you more time for important things

Higher conversions

More customers complete registration or ordering on your website

Fast activation

You can implement it into systems easily and quickly

Maximum safety

Data protection is continuously supervised by our experts

Bank iD helps when ...

A client applyes
for a loan

  • He fills in only half of the data - incresing of finished applications by up to 40%
  • The data is in the correct format for automatic scoring - cost savings with manual processing of the request
  • Everything is verified - less fraud

Client logs in to
a client zone

  • He may not remember multiple access data
  • Thanks to the rapid reduction in password renewals, a customer line is not so busy

You deal with
onboarding sellers

  • Your coworkers can also use the identity
  • Your subscription has lower advisor costs
  • Unambiguous identification reduces fraud

Client wants
some insurance

  • Reducing the number of unfinished contracts or unfinished form filling - increase conversion by up to 30%
  • No data correction or reminders needed to pay the first premium - cost reduction
  • Automatically provisioned

You need to set up
client zone

  • No need for a personal visit or sending letters - increase the number of digitized clients by up to 40%
  • The price for the digital client is clearly stated - precise cost planning

You want to have
current data

  • Actively secured updates - greater comfort in terms of compliance
  • Successful soft collections
  • Regular inspections and less administrative requirements

Which services can you choose?

CONNECT is the basis of Bank iD, you can also get SIGN and IDENTIFY services.


Secure login to business services or client zone via bank identity


Guaranteed signature of a contract or document in PDF, which makes it possible to verify who signed it


Set of information for client verification or contract closing over the internet

What information do you get?

Data according to the selected variant CONNECT IDENTIFY IDENTIFY
Client ID, Name, Phone number, Date of birth, E-mail
Addresses, Bank account, Titles, Gender, Social Security Number

Place of birth, Status, ID cards, Legal status

Set of information for remote identification of a client according to AML law

Jaké informace získáte?

CONNECT IDENTIFY IDENTIFY IDENTIFY PLUS AML CONNECT IDENTIFY IDENTIFY IDENTIFY PLUS AML CONNECT IDENTIFY IDENTIFY IDENTIFY PLUS AML CONNECT IDENTIFY IDENTIFY IDENTIFY PLUS AML ID uživatele, Jméno a příjmení, Telefon, E-mail Adresy, Datum narození, Tituly, Pohlaví, Rodné číslo Místo narození, Stav, Doklad, Právní status, Bankovní účet Sada informací ke vzdálené identifikaci klienta dle AML zákona

Price list

Are you interested or do you have a question?

Let us know and we will be happy to help you

Is a bank identity exactly what you could use? Or is there something you don't understand and you want to ask? Leave us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

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